Dear, beloved daughter

Dear, beloved daughter

Dear, beloved daughter

Final exams are difficult, stressful, and emotional..

Dear Giorgia, my lovely daughter, I hope you find these inspirational quotes encouraging :

#1 “It’s not about how bad you want it, it’s about how hard you are willing to work for it.”

Giorgia, please, always remindote  that desires are useless without actions to back them up.

#2 “Don’t watch the clock. Do what it does. Keep going.”

In the middle of a tough test, it is easy to lose focus and sit mindlessly, wasting time thinking of other things, wishing the test was over. Patience and persistence are vital to successful test-taking and studying. When questions or concepts are difficult, it is important to take time on that subject and keep trying..

#3 “Life is the most difficult exam. Many people fail because they try to copy others, not realizing that everyone has a different question paper.”

Always try to be yourself, you are not anyone’s copy and if you have to look at someone else, look at the examples and the ability they have to develop your aptitude and talents..

#4 “Nothing is impossible. The word itself says, I’m possible.”

Find your WHY?, believe in your passion and ask yourself why you started. Starting often is the first step to solving..

#5 “Success is never final. Failure is never fatal. It’s courage that counts.”

Continue working despite the outcome. If you have to worry about something  do it thinking about how many times you will try and not get caught up in the thought of not making it.

Tomorrow you will have your first important FINISH LINE in front of you. Stay focused, visualize the moment you pass it, with the same intensity that your eyes express in this photo.

Good luck with your oral exam.

Your crazy dad.


  • Pierpa
    18 Giugno 2019 15:53 0Likes

    Fin’ora ho solo letto senza commentare, ma questo nuovo testo merita i complimenti. Bravo Marzio

    • Marzio Zanato
      18 Giugno 2019 16:05 0Likes

      Ciao Pierpaolo, ti ringrazio non solo per il commento ma perchè tu sei stato uno dei protagonisti della mia crescita umana e sportiva.
      Coach Marzio

      • Pierpa
        18 Giugno 2019 20:49 0Likes

        Sono molto felice che la crescita sia stata reciproca. Tu hai formato uomini prima di tutto. Giorgia deve esser orgogliosa di avere un IronDad come te. Con la forza e il sacrificio che ci hai insegnato, e vuoi passare a Giorgia, hai vinto un mostro. Hai tutto il mio rispetto coach

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