Employees don’t leave Companies, they leave Managers

My former CEO, one day in asking me how the recruiting process proceeded for HR in the protected categories, angered by the candidates presented told me: you had cancer, why do not you do a favor to the company and you sign up for protected categories? …… that day I decided to abandon not the company but a young man dry and lacking in leadership. 

Here are the four types of bad bosses that make employees want to quit companies:

1) “Marionette” – In an age of uncertainty, many managers are yielding to this trap of just playing it safe to preserve their position and privileges. They just follow orders. They never stand up for their team or question policies. They are mere puppets and exude no loyalty to employees. A lack of integrity in a manager can make an employee lose passion for the job.

2) “King Kong” – Some managers when they reach to the top immediately forget where they came from. These type of managers possess a superiority complex and like to draw the distinction between management and staff. It is dreadful to work under a manager who is more worried about pushing their weight around than building relationships. Great leaders don’t talk down to their employees or make them feel inferior. Respect is a must.

3) “Superman” – They think the organization revolves around them. Some start behaving like they are the owners of the company. This trap includes making all of the decisions soloignoring feedback and taking the credit. When employees don’t feel appreciated, morale and engagement plummets.

4) “Taskmaster” – Their sole focus is on the bottomline. Continuously drilling employees is a sure way make them unhappy at work. Micromanagement suffocates, demoralizes and kills creativity. If you hired someone, it means you believe they are capable of doing the job. A manager’s job is to motivate and provide guidance and support. It’s not constantly monitoring an employee’s every movement.

A bad boss creates fear and makes work drudgery. Studies show having a bad boss raises a worker’s chance of having a heart attack by as much as 60 per cent. What was it about a bad manager that increased the risk of heart disease? The stress and anxiety caused by unfeasible targets, lack of support, unfair practices and threats of punishment.

1.Help employees maintain balance

Employees are more likely to thrive in a culture wich supports flexible working and takes account of their priorities; considering running activities such as healthy eating initiatives exercise, classes book club and music clubs.

2.Build a supportive atmosphere

Encourage people across the business to build positive relathionship; give people the opportunity and space to access support from their peers; perhaps throught designated coffee areas and breaks where people can walk and talk.

3.Communicate a clear purpose.

Communicating the purpose and vision clearly to employees helps them make sense of what they are doing and understand how their personal contribution fits into the bigger picture; this is particulary important during tought times.

4.Help people adapt to change

Make sure you are aware of the signs of people who are under stress; giving people a chance to air their concerns and explain properly what is happening can make a huge difference.

5.Build self-belief

Providing opportunities for people to learn and grow can help them feel equipped to cope under pressure; coaching, mentoring and jobs swaps are all low-cost ways you can help people build their skills.






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