Respect is a core value held by thousands of organizations. But do their employees know what living the value of respect really means, or is it simply posted on their website or on the wall? If respect is one of your organization’s core values, find out what it means! Yes, you could look up the dictionary meaning. But that won’t be engaging. What is engaging is involving people at all levels in your organization in a process of defining what behaving respectfully means. Once respect is defined, everyone will better understand how to live that value.

In the Centre for Character Leadership’s Character Culture model, we define respect as engaging in behaviours that are civil, dignified, positive, and inclusive. Respect is the fundamental belief that everyone in the organization is equal as humans, and deserving of civil treatment and opportunities to become engaged. All of this is great – but what do those behaviours look like when people are working day-to-day?  Do employees know how to behave in a civil manner?  How to be dignified?

It can be hard to make time to pay attention to these ‘soft’ skills and it will be hard work – but it will pay off! One of the keys to successfully instilling a culture of respect is to have leaders at all levels role model this value.  Leaders can role model ‘RESPECT’ by:

1.      Treating others inclusively in spite of differences.

2.      Including people in decisions that affect their work.

3.      Considering the impact of their words and actions on others.

4.      Taking employee’s comments and suggestions into consideration.

5.      Saying hello, goodbye, please, and thank you whenever possible.

6.      Speaking positively about other leaders.

7.      Speaking positively about your organization.

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